Episode 12 by Colin Brake
At last, the Summer Fete and Greenborne Music Festival is here, but will it be a great success or is Greenborne about to face disaster? As a raging fire engulfs one of the village buildings, lives and futures will hang in the balance…

Alan Godwin John Altman
Beverley Godwin Corrinne Wicks
Sam Sharma Pal Aron
Evie Lejeune Louise Jameson
Farhad Madani Raad Rawi
Piya Chandola Bhavnisha Parmar
Tanny Jefferson Amy Rockson
Matt Jefferson Ali Zayn
Lewis Godwin Finley Pile
Sandra Davis Niamh McGrady
Maggie Roberts Laura Shavin
Logan Cockburn Joshua Manning
Lisa Lejeune Ally Murphy
Arjun Sharma Raj Ghatak
Daisy Godwin Luci Fish
Tannoy Announcer Andrew James Spooner
Other roles were played by members of the cast.
GREENBORNE was devised by Colin Brake,
based on an original idea by Colin Brake and Andrew Mark Sewell
Greenborne FM Station Sound by DevaWeb
Original Music Tim Arnold
Sound Design and Post Production Kirsty Gillmore
Studio Manager Wilfredo Acosta
Series Producer Helen Quigley
Executive Producer and Director Andrew Mark Sewell
GREENBORNE was a B7 Media Production
made with the support of the Audio Content Fund
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